Backup and analyze

Basic backup of a drive then analyze the backup status. Then allow it to send me an email to make sure that everything is working properly.


net use \\\Backups (password) /user:BackupSync
powershell -Command “c:\scripts\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path ‘\\\Backups\’ -MailRecipient ‘’ -MailServer -Summary SummaryAllWithoutWarnings -MailPolicy Always”
net use /delete

Then the powershell command to make some things work.

# ***************************************************************************************
# ***
# *** Scriptname: AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1
# ***
# *** Usage: Get-Help .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1
# ***
# *** Author: Powershell Administrator a.k.a. OcinO a.k.a. Nico Buma
# ***
# *** Version: 2.1
# ***
# *** History: 05-06-14 Fixed a Powershell v2 issue, where no error and warning lines were added to the summary
# *** 03-05-14 Totally rewrote script to increase performance and make it more diverse (2.0)
# *** – Changed: Added more input parameters and switches to make the script more universal
# *** – Added MaxLinesPerFile parameter, to increase speed even more and reduce memory usage
# *** – New: Error-handling instead of just breaking out of the script
# *** – New: changed complete reading of files to select-string
# *** – Script speed increased over 500% and CPU usage decreased to a minimum
# *** 30.04.14 Rewrote VBS Script in Powershell (1.0)
# *** 21.10.08 Created script in VBS (1.0)
# ***
# *** 2014 – Powershell Administrator. Use at your own risk.
# ***
# *** Speed measuring data:
# *** Reading of 110 files (95,8MB), which consist of 7 errors in 4 files and 402924 warnings in 4 files;
# *** 2m8s
# *** Tested with option SummaryAll (maximum output) and a MaxLinesPerFile of 500
# ***
# *** Same conditions as above, but tested with SummaryAllWithoutWarnings
# *** 20s
# ***
# ***************************************************************************************

Analyze Robocopy logs and mail the result in a summary file

This Powershell script will analyze a directory (can be recursive) that contains Robocopy log files.
It will generate one output file with a summary for each log file, in the same folder as the script.
All logs that contain errors will be placed in top of this summary. All error information is included.
Once the summary is created an e-mail is sent to the specified e-mail address(es), with the summary file attached.

This option is mandatory. Specifies the path to the Robocopy log files.

Set this switch to include subfolders.

Specifies the from e-mail address. The default value is

.PARAMETER MailRecipient
This option is mandatory. Specifies the recipient of the e-mail message.
If multiple recipients need to be specified, use a semicolon ( ; ) as a seperator.

This option is mandatory. Specifies the name of the SMTP server.

.PARAMETER MailSubject
Specifies the non-dynamic text part of the subject name for the e-mail message. The default text is “Analyze Robocopy Backup Logs”

Specifies the port to use for the e-mail message. The default value is 25. This option is ignored with Powershell v2.0

Set this switch to use SSL for e-mail communication.

Use one of the following parameters:
SummaryAll = creates a summary file of all Robocopy logs, includes detailed warning and error information
in the report
SummaryAllWithoutWarnings = creates a summary file of all Robocopy logs, includes detailed error information
in the report
ErrorsAndWarnings = creates a summary file of all Robocopy logs that contain errors and warnings,
includes detailed warning and errorinformation. If no warnings and/or errors are found, the summary
will only contain the start time and end time of the script.
ErrorsOnly = creates a summary file of all Robocopy logs that contain errors, includes detailed
error information in the report. If no errors are found, the summary will only contain the start time
and end time of the script.
(When AnalyzeRobocopyLogs encounters a ‘same’ file in a Robocopy log file, It will mark this as a warning)
The default option is SummaryAll

Use one of the following parameters:
Always = Always send an e-mail report with the summary file attached
ErrorsAndWarnings = Only send an e-mail report if the summary file contains Errors and/or Warnings
ErrorsOnly = Only send an e-mail report if the summary file contains Errors
(When AnalyzeRobocopyLogs encounters a ‘same’ file in a Robocopy log file, It will mark this as a warning)
The default option is Always

.PARAMETER MaxAmountOfSummaryLines
Use this parameter to set the maximum amount of detailed summary lines to include in the summary repory. The default value is 500.

None. You cannot pipe objects.

None. No object outputs.

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -MailRecipient “;” -MailServer
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder for all Robocopy backup logs and sends the result by e-mail to
to and by e-mail.
It will use the default summary, mail policy, subject and mail port options.
In this example, it will NOT use SSL or recurively check the path for logs.

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -Recurse -MailRecipient “” -MailServer
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and subfolders for all Robocopy backup logs and sends the result
by e-mail to

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -Recurse -MailRecipient “” -MailServer -Summary SummaryAll -MailPolicy ErrorsOnly
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder (and subfolders) and check for all Errors and Warnings
and creates a summary file of EACH log file, including a more detailed information for each error and/or
warning, and will mail if Errors are found.
(so warnings are ignored when checking if the summary has to be mailed)

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -MailRecipient “” -MailServer -Summary SummaryAllWithoutWarnings -MailPolicy Always
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and check for all Errors and creates a summary file of
each log file and ignores warnings. It will always send a mail report.

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -MailRecipient “” -MailServer -Summary SummaryAllWithoutWarnings -MailPolicy ErrorsAndWarnings
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and check for all Errors and creates a summary file of
each log file and ignores warnings. It will send a mail report only if Errors are found.
(if you disable warnings in -summary the ErrorsAndWarnings mailpolicy will automatically change its
behavior to ErrorsOnly)

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -MailRecipient “” -MailServer -Summary SummaryAllWithoutWarnings -MailPolicy ErrorsOnly
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and check for all Errors and creates a summary file of
each log file and ignores warnings. It will send a mail report only if Errors are found.

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -MailRecipient “” -MailServer -Summary ErrorsAndWarnings -MailPolicy ErrorsOnly
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and check for all Errors and creates a detailed summary
file of each log file that contains Errors and/or Warnings (skips the non-error and/or non-warning files).
It will send a mail report only if Errors are found.

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -MailRecipient “” -MailServer -Summary ErrorsOnly -MailPolicy Always
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and check for all Errors and creates a detailed summary
file of each log file that contains Errors (skips the non-error files).
It will always send a mail report.

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -MailRecipient “” -MailServer -Summary ErrorsOnly -MailPolicy ErrorsAndWarnings
This will analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and check for all Errors and creates a detailed summary
file of each log file that contains Errors (skips the non-error files).
It will send a mail report only if Errors are found.
(if you disable warnings in -summary the ErrorsAndWarnings mailpolicy will automatically change its behavior to ErrorsOnly)

C:\PS> .\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.ps1 -Path “C:\Windows\Logs” -Recurse -Mailsender “” -MailRecipient “” -MailServer “” -MailSubject “PowershellAdministrator – Removing the human error step by step” -MailPort 465 -UseSsl -Summary ErrorsOnly -MailPolicy ErrorsOnly -MaxAmountOfSummaryLines 1000
This will recursively analyze the “C:\Windows\Logs” folder and check for all Errors and creates a detailed
summary file of each log file that contains Errors (skips the non-error files) and will use a maximum of
1000 lines of detailed information.
It will send a mail report if Errors are found ans use as from address
It will use SSL when sending mail and uses port 465 (the default SSL SMTP port) in this example.
It will also use “PowershellAdministrator – Removing the human error step by step” as non-dynamic part
of the e-mail subject string.



[string]$MailSender = “”,
[string]$MailSubject = “Analyze Robocopy Backup Logs”,
[int]$MailPort = 25,
[ValidateSet("SummaryAll","SummaryAllWithoutWarnings","ErrorsAndWarnings", "ErrorsOnly")][String[]]$Summary = “SummaryAll”,
[ValidateSet("Always", "ErrorsAndWarnings", "ErrorsOnly")][String[]]$MailPolicy = “Always”,
[int]$MaxAmountOfSummaryLines = 500

#Requires –Version 2.0

#Get start time
$StartTime = (Get-Date).ToString()

#Setting default variables
If($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 2) { $PSScriptRoot = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent }
$LogFile = “$PSScriptRoot\AnalyzeRobocopyLogs.log”

#Summary variables
$SummaryAll = $false
$SummaryAllWithoutWarnings = $false
$ErrorsAndWarnings = $false
$ErrorsOnly = $false

#MailPolicy variables
$MailAlways = $false
$MailErrorsAndWarnings = $false
$MailErrorsOnly = $false

“SummaryAll” { $SummaryAll = $true }
“SummaryAllWithoutWarnings” { $SummaryAllWithoutWarnings = $true }
“ErrorsAndWarnings” { $ErrorsAndWarnings = $true }
“ErrorsOnly” { $ErrorsOnly = $true }
Default { Write-Error -Message “You entered something other than one of the 4 possible options” -Category ParserError -RecommendedAction “Use one of the 4 options as provided by the script.” -CategoryReason “Incorrect option for Summary” -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable $Summary }

“Always” { $MailAlways = $true }
“ErrorsAndWarnings” { $MailErrorsAndWarnings = $true }
“ErrorsOnly” { $MailErrorsOnly = $true }
Default { Write-Error -Message “You entered something other than one of the 3 possible options” -Category ParserError -RecommendedAction “Use one of the 3 options as provided by the script.” -CategoryReason “Incorrect option for MailPolicy” -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable $MailPolicy }

#Check if the given mail addresses are in the correct mail address format (contains text before and after the [at]. After the [at] and the text, it expects a [dot] with a 2 to 4 letter TLD after that)
$Regex = “^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$”
$MailAddresses = @()
If($MailRecipient.Contains(“;”)) { $MailAddresses = $MailRecipient.Split(“;”) }
Else { $MailAddresses = $MailRecipient }
Foreach($MailAddress in $MailAddresses)
If($MailAddress -notmatch $Regex) { Write-Error -Message “Incorrect recipient e-mail address entered. Please verify that $MailAddress has been entered correctly” -Category ParserError -RecommendedAction “Correct the e-mail address or use the -MailRecipient switch to specify one.” -CategoryReason “Incorrect E-mail address” -ErrorAction Stop -ErrorVariable $MailAddress }

# Retrieve list of files from a folder
#Get a list of all files if the path exists
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse:($Recurse.IsPresent)

$ErrorMessages = $FileList | Select-String -Pattern ‘(ERROR: )|( ERROR )’ -CaseSensitive
If($SummaryAll -or $ErrorsAndWarnings) { $WarningMessages = $FileList | Select-String -SimpleMatch ” same” -CaseSensitive }
#Get all lines which robocopy uses for its summary text
$LineNumbers = $FileList | Select-String -SimpleMatch “——————————————————————————”

$ErrorFiles = “”
$WarningFiles = “”
$SummaryText = “”
$Newline = “`r`n”
$StrTextDivider = “”
#71 is the size of the maximum width of the robocopy text line
For($i = 0; $i -lt 71; $i++) { $StrTextDivider += “-” }
$FileWithErrors = $false

If($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 2)
$TempErrorFiles = @()
Foreach($ErrorMessage in $ErrorMessages)
$TempErrorFiles += $ErrorMessage.Path
$ErrorFiles = $TempErrorFiles | Select-Object -Unique
$ErrorFiles = $ErrorMessages.Path | Select-Object -Unique
If($SummaryAll -or $ErrorsAndWarnings)
If($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 2)
$TempWarningFiles = @()
Foreach($WarningMessage in $WarningMessages)
$TempWarningFiles += $WarningMessage.Path
$WarningFiles = $TempWarningFiles | Select-Object -Unique
$WarningFiles = $WarningMessages.Path | Select-Object -Unique

If($ErrorsAndWarnings -or $ErrorsOnly)
#If only Errors and/or Warnings are enabled, reduce the filelist to only include these files
$ListOfFiles = $ErrorFiles
$ListOfFiles += $WarningFiles
$ListOfFiles = $ListOfFiles | Select-Object -Unique
$FileList = Get-ChildItem -Path $ListOfFiles

Foreach($File in $FileList)
$BottomText = “”
$FileLineNumbers = $LineNumbers | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $File.FullName }

#Add all Robocopy summary text to the summary file
$BeginStartLine = $FileLineNumbers[1].LineNumber
$BeginEndLine = $FileLineNumbers[2].LineNumber – 3
$EndStartLine = $FileLineNumbers[3].LineNumber
$EndEndLine = $FileLineNumbers[3].LineNumber + 20
$FileLinesToRead = $BeginStartLine..$BeginEndLine + $EndStartLine..$EndEndLine

#Check if the file is in the list which contains the errors
$IsError = $ErrorFiles | Select-String -SimpleMatch $File.FullName
$ErrorLines = $ErrorMessages | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $File.FullName }
[int[]]$ErrorLineNumbers = $ErrorLines | foreach { ($_.LineNumber)-2; ($_.LineNumber)-1 }
$ErrorLineNumbers = $ErrorLineNumbers | Sort-Object -Unique
If($ErrorLineNumbers.Count -gt $MaxAmountOfSummaryLines) { $ErrorLineNumbers = $ErrorLineNumbers[0..$MaxAmountOfSummaryLines] }
$FileLinesToRead = $FileLinesToRead + $ErrorLineNumbers
$FileWithErrors = $true
#Check if the file is in the list which contains the warnings (if SummaryAll is selected and no errors were found)
$IsWarning = $WarningFiles | Select-String -SimpleMatch $File.FullName
If($IsWarning -and ($SummaryAll -or $ErrorsAndWarnings))
$WarningLines = $WarningMessages | Where-Object { $_.Path -eq $File.FullName }
[int[]]$WarningLineNumbers = $WarningLines | foreach { ($_.LineNumber)-2 }
$WarningLineNumbers = $WarningLineNumbers | Sort-Object -Unique
If($WarningLineNumbers.Count -gt $MaxAmountOfSummaryLines) { $WarningLineNumbers = $WarningLineNumbers[0..$MaxAmountOfSummaryLines] }
$FileLinesToRead = $FileLinesToRead + $WarningLineNumbers
If($FileWithErrors -and ($SummaryAll -or $SummaryAllWithoutWarnings))
$BottomText += $SummaryText
$SummaryText = “”
$SummaryText += $StrTextDivider + $Newline
$SummaryText += “`t`t`t” + $File.Name + $Newline
$SummaryText += $StrTextDivider + $Newline

$TextInFile = [io.file]::ReadAllLines($File.FullName)

#Create a list with unique file line numbers
$UniqueFileLinesToRead = $FileLinesToRead | Sort-Object -Unique

Foreach($Line in $UniqueFileLinesToRead)
If($Line -lt $TextInFile.Count -1) { $SummaryText += $TextInFile[$Line + 1] + $Newline }
If($FileWithErrors -and ($SummaryAll -or $SummaryAllWithoutWarnings))
$SummaryText += $BottomText
$FileWithErrors = $false

#Get end time after reading all info and saving the start and end time of the analyzer to the log file
$EndTime = (Get-Date).ToString()
$SummaryEndLogText = “AnalyzeRobocopyLogs completed succesfully”
$StrTextDivider = “”
For($i = 0; $i -lt $SummaryEndLogText.Length; $i++) { $StrTextDivider += “-” }
$SummaryText += $StrTextDivider + $Newline
$SummaryText += $SummaryEndLogText
#Save the analyzed summary to the logfile
[io.file]::WriteAllText($LogFile,$StartTime + $Newline + $SummaryText + $Newline + $EndTime)

#Get amount of errors
[int]$AmountOfErrors = $ErrorMessages.Count
[int]$AmountOfErrorFiles = $ErrorFiles.Count
#If enabled; get amount of warnings
If($SummaryAll -or $ErrorsAndWarnings)
[int]$AmountOfWarnings = $WarningMessages.Count
[int]$AmountOfWarningFiles = $WarningFiles.Count

#Defining the conclusion text and creating the summary text based on analyzing the logs
If($AmountOfErrors -eq 0)
#Check if warning reporting is enabled
$BgColor = “bgcolor=”"lime”"”
If($SummaryAll -or $ErrorsAndWarnings)
#Create subject with warnings enabled and based on findings
If($AmountOfWarnings -eq 0) { $SummaryConclusion = “JOB SUCCESS: $MailSubject Completed Successfully; $AmountOfErrors errors and $AmountOfWarnings warnings” }
$BgColor = “bgcolor=”"yellow”"”
$SummaryConclusion = “JOB SUCCESS, BUT WITH WARNINGS: $MailSubject Completed with Warnings; $AmountOfErrors errors and $AmountOfWarnings warnings”
#Create subject without warnings enabled
Else { $SummaryConclusion = “JOB SUCCESS: $MailSubject Completed Successfully; $AmountOfErrors errors” }
#The job failed; errors have been found
$BgColor = “bgcolor=”"red”"”
#Check if warning reporting is enabled
If($SummaryAll -or $ErrorsAndWarnings) { $SummaryConclusion = “JOB FAILED: $MailSubject Failed; $AmountOfErrors errors and $AmountOfWarnings warnings” }
#Create subject without warnings enabled
Else { $SummaryConclusion = “JOB FAILED: $MailSubject Failed; $AmountOfErrors errors” }

$SummaryText = “<TABLE border=”"2″” $BgColor><TR><TD align=”"center”" colspan=”"4″”><B><FONT size=”"+2″”>Results</FONT></B></TD></TR>” + $Newline
$SummaryText += “<TR><TD align=”"center”"> </TD>”
$SummaryText += “<TD>No.</TD>”
$SummaryText += “<TD>in .. Log File(s)</TD></TR>” + $Newline
If($AmountOfErrors -eq 0) { $BgColor = “bgcolor=”"lime”"” }
Else { $BgColor = “bgcolor=”"red”"” }
$SummaryText += “<TR><TD align=”"center”" $BgColor><B>Errors:</B></TD>”
$SummaryText += “<TD align=”"center”" $BgColor><B>$AmountOfErrors</B></TD>”
$SummaryText += “<TD align=”"center”" $BgColor>$AmountOfErrorFiles</TD></TR>” + $Newline

If($SummaryAll -or $ErrorsAndWarnings)
If($AmountOfWarnings -eq 0) { $BgColor = “bgcolor=”"lime”"” }
Else { $BgColor = “bgcolor=”"yellow”"” }
$SummaryText += “<TR><TD align=”"center”" $BgColor><B>Warnings:</B></TD>”
$SummaryText += “<TD align=”"center”" $BgColor><B>$AmountOfWarnings</B></TD>”
$SummaryText += “<TD align=”"center”" $BgColor>$AmountOfWarningFiles</TD></TR>” + $Newline

Function Send-Mail
If($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -eq 2) { Send-MailMessage -From $MailSender -To $MailAddresses -Subject $SummaryConclusion -BodyAsHtml $SummaryText -Attachments $LogFile -SmtpServer $MailServer -UseSsl:$UseSsl.IsPresent }
Else { Send-MailMessage -From $MailSender -To $MailAddresses -Subject $SummaryConclusion -BodyAsHtml $SummaryText -Attachments $LogFile -SmtpServer $MailServer -Port $MailPort -UseSsl:$UseSsl.IsPresent }
#Send Analyze Summary Mail message if enabled by settings
If($MailAlways -or $MailErrorsAndWarnings -or -$MailErrorsOnly)
#If errors or warnings have been found, send message
If(($ErrorsAndWarnings -or $SummaryAll) -and (($AmountOfErrors -gt 0) -or ($AmountOfWarnings -gt 0)))
#If errors have been found, send message
ElseIf(($ErrorsOnly -or $SummaryAllWithoutWarnings) -and ($AmountOfErrors -gt 0))
#If errors have been found, send message
If($AmountOfErrors -gt 0)
Else { Write-Error -Message “The folder does not exist. Please verify that $Path really exists and you have sufficient permissions” -Category ObjectNotFound -RecommendedAction “Check if the folder name is correct and if you have sufficient permissions to access the folder.” -CategoryReason “Folder not found” -ErrorAction Stop }

Then the copy script to copy the files to a synology

net use \\\Backups (password) /user:BackupSync
robocopy c:\ \\\backups\Server1\c\ /E /Z /W:2 /R:2 /MIR /XJD /LOG:\\\d$\Backup\Server1-c.log
net use /delete


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